Yehey! As if it was 2006 all over again.
THANK YOU LORD!! "CANCER THE MUSICAL"Let me borrow this article from
Leo Burnett, BBDO Guerrero/Proximity & Ace Saatchi & Saatchi win Young Kidlat competition Thirty-six hours after they were briefed, 24 teams of creatives under the age of 30 returned with some of the best work the Young Kidlat has seen. Nevertheless, only Teams Leo Burnett, BBDO Guerrero/Proximity and Ace Saatchi & Saatchi were deemed most worthy of representing the country in the Young Lions in Cannes, France and Young Lotus in Pattaya, Thailand.
All teams worked on a simple brief to a complicated product, the stem cell harvest and storage services of the Medical City's Stem Bank. The final output was to be a 30-second video, using original footage, and produced practically overnight.
Team Leo Burnett, composed of Diosmarino Gupana II and John Paul Cuison, was awarded Gold for their spot, affectionately called by judges as "Cancer the Musical." In the video, a young man sings joyously of his recent diagnosis of liver cancer, more than confident that he'll recover because he has stem cells squirreled away in Medical City.

Both young men will fly to Cannes, to compete in the Young Lions Film shootout this June. This will be Cuison's second chance at bat in the Young Lions, where he took part with then-partner Cey Enriquez in 2006.
Team BBDO Guerrero/Proximity--Timothy Villela and Rizza Delle Garcia--received Silver for their trouble. Their video tells the story of a transplant patient, who receives an organ donated by a pig.
They, too, will fly to Cannes and compete in the Young Lions Cyber competition.

Team Ace Saatchi & Saatchi (Mark Peckson and Patrick Miciano) initially received bad news on the day of the briefing, when it was discovered that Peckson was already 29 years old. Organizers allowed them to proceed, on the condition that they would only be eligible for participation in the Young Lotus shootout, where the cutoff is 30 years of age.

As luck would have it, their video, on the reversal of the ill effects of cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and cholesterol-rich, food was judged worthy of a Bronze, and tickets to Pattaya this May.
Historically, the Creative Guild of the Philippines sends one pair to Cannes and another to Adfest. This year, the organizers of the Young Lions expanded their invitation to a second team, this time in the Cyber Young Lions. The second Young Lions team is sponsored by Ayala Land.